Try some new hobby
Everyone has a hobby. Some people love to crotchet, some people are looking for new hobby, because they don’t know what else they should try. Shooting is fun for anyone who has interest in guns. Many people are collecting rare guns and don’t like shooting, and some people love to shoot. In which group do you fit?? You can’t just shoot anywhere, you can shoot at shooting range with licence.
Our shooting range Praha offers you a great experience with different shooting guns. You can try shoot from very different kind of guns. For example, we have Glock, AK47, AR15 and many other guns you can hold in your hands and shoot from. Our shooting range is open for everyone who wants to try to shoot and we are a place where can army and police take their practice. Our instructors are ready to tell you everything about guns you will be shooting from and they will teach you how to hold it and how to point your gun to a paper target. We will get you ready for shooting, even if you will hold the gun for the first time ever.
What are the requirements to visit our shooting range?
You have to be 18 years old and under 18 years you can visit us only with your parents, it is for your safety and for other visitors safety. Even the underage people can shoot, but rather come to us when you will be 18 years old.
You have to follow your instructor’s instructions, otherwise you will be required to leave. It is really necessary to keep orders for everyone’s safety.
You can choose from our shooting packs, every pack include different kinds of guns and every person has its shots. You can choose your preferred pack at our website, buy it and come to our shooting range. Also, you can choose some gun and shoot from it with your friends. You can see all informations and packs at our website. Come to us and have fun.